With no accounting for time Augustin is eager to get his first Christmas well and truly underway.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Fête !
From now until February there is much to do in the vines and vineyards in preparation for next spring.
To ensure each vine reaches her full fruiting potentional her stems are cut leaving one long stem and a smaller back up should a late frost next year bite hard.
Dead vines are uprooted, to be replaced at a later date and the high wires which once supported the vines fruits are removed.
The vines new look is a dramatic one !
Musicians played festive melodies while roasting chestnuts, mulled wine and other foodie goodies filled the air.There were plenty of stands to keep both adults and children amused and no shortage of christmas pressie ideas and local delicacies to indulge in. Gérald & I tucked into les escargots et les bulots....yum yum !
As for meeting Père Noël, at the time of our visit he was tending to his raindeer but we did meet a few of his little helpers.