We started 2010 knowing it would be an eventful and demanding year, and the month of May did not disappoint us!
Captivating and condensing all the emotions we had been anticipating and concluding with very exciting results, I need not emphasize corks have been popping!
Not only did we see the final touches put to 'la Grange d'Henri' but our Partnership with
Ten Green Bottles Ltd and our forthcoming venture together is being developed as I blog.
It is with great pleasure I post photographs of our charming barn conversion which is alreadying proving to be a popular addition to 'la Bellevue':
Le Salon- Wi-Fi access
- Television/DVD player
- CD players
- iPod speakers
La CusineI adore the kitchen, the spot lights add a lovely embiance particularly when the evening is drawing in.
Following are pictures of
la Chambre .

For more information on 'la Grange d'Henri' and 'la Bellevue' visit our website at:
www.domainedelabellevue.comA très bientôt !