Friday 18 February 2011

Time to enjoy 'la belle vue'

Since moving to our home in Pouançay, Gérald and I had been wondering what to do with the space that had been semi created prior to our arrival.

A lovely spot to the side of the house where one can enjoy the sun and take in the full impact of our specatular view.

An area outside for the family had always been our intention but careful consideration had to be given to 'le look', keeping in mind the spirit and tradition of the village and in addition, complimenting our home, 'La Bellevue'.

Much to my excitment yesterday saw the finishing touches put to the terrace. Created in tuffeau, the signature stone of this region, the height of the terrace has been created by carefully selected plants.

Not missing out too was the 'light well' leading into our trogodyte caves, soon to be a mass of colour as soon as the Pierre de Ronsard roses, the chèvrefeuille (honeysuckle) and clematis burst into flower later this year.

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